babies keeping cool during summer
(Photo Credit: Getty Images)

Tips To Keep Your Baby Cool and Comfy During Summer

Although summer is coming to an end, the temperatures continue to soar. One thought that always bothers every new mom is how to keep their baby cool and comfy during summer. High temperatures or hot weather can make little ones uncomfortable, irritable, and sometimes sick. However, mamas, worry no more; here are some simple tips to keep your baby cool during summer.

Keep them hydrated during warmer months

No matter your child’s age, hot weather can lead to dehydration. So, ensure your little one consumes enough fluids to stay hydrated. Be it breastmilk, water, juices, smoothies, fruits, etc., make sure your baby has them from time to time to keep cool during summer. Even while going out, carry water bottles for kids to keep them hydrated in sunny weather. Warmer months leave little ones prone to dehydration, which could cause further complications, so ensure they stay well hydrated throughout the day.

Pick suitable clothing to keep your baby cool during summer

Do not dress your kids in synthetic clothes, polyester, or nylon during summer, as it may cause rashes. Instead, dress them in loosely fitted clothes made of cotton or linen so there is enough airflow for their skin to breathe. Moreover, cotton and linen absorb perspiration, helping keep the body temperature low. However, if you are outdoors for the entire day on a hot summer day, make sure your baby wears loose long sleeves and pants or a dress (cotton or linen) that can protect their skin from harsh sun rays. Do not forget to shield their face with a hat as well.

Keep your little one cool outside as well

keeping baby cool summer
(Photo Credit: Getty Images)

Although you should avoid taking your baby outside during the hottest hours of the day, use a portable stroller fan to keep them cool if that’s inevitable. Walk in the shade whenever possible, and most importantly, never leave your little ones in a closed car or hot room, as the temperature can spike in a few minutes and may prove fatal. This rule also applies to pets, as both children and pets are completely helpless when left alone in a hot car.

Encourage water play to keep your baby cool during summer

Everybody loves to cool down in swimming pools during the warmer months. The same applies to your infant. Hence, give them a cool or lukewarm bath to beat the heat during the day or before bedtime. Even letting them play in the paddling pool (that must be kept under the shade) is a great way to keep your baby cool and comfy during the summer.

Cool your little one’s room to keep them comfy

You must be keeping the windows closed in your baby’s room during warmer months, but do you also keep the blinds or curtains closed? If not, start doing so to keep your baby cool during the summer. This will ensure that your little one’s room does not heat up much during the day, making it perfect for them to play and sleep.

Also, if you have an air conditioner in your infant’s room, ensure the temperature is not too low, as extreme temperature variations inside and outside the room can lead to them catching a cold. Also, if it gets too hot upstairs, immediately switch to the sleeping room downstairs (if possible), as it will be slightly cooler.

Apart from these measures, make sure to use cotton bedsheets in their cribs or cots to keep your baby cool in summer. So, mommies, follow these tips to keep your little ones cool and comfy in the warmer months. Start preparing for it now to avoid any issues later! How have you kept your bundle of joy cool during this heat wave? Do let us know in the comment section below!

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