
Fiona Morrison

Fiona Morrison

Fi Morrison is a first-time mum to a cute 11-month-old baby boy she affectionately calls Starfish (that is what he looked like in his swaddle bag as a newborn!). He inspired her to start a blog at Mumma Morrison, where she has been documenting their new life together. Fi aims to support other new mums in the rollercoaster, whirlwind journey that is motherhood by sharing honest accounts of mum life, product reviews and information from professionals about baby care.
Fi works part-time as a primary school teacher, and as if she wasn’t busy enough with her baby, blog, and work, she also plays sport on the weekends, is obsessed with tea and enjoys a sneaky Netflix binge. Above all, Fi treasures her family time and dreams of becoming a work-at-home mum with her son while continuing her blogging. You can follow her on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.  

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