Author (Page 2)

Lexy Ward

Lexy Ward

Lexy Ward is the founder and editor of <a title="
Ctrl+Click or tap to follow the link" href="" target="_blank"> Proper, a DIY & lifestyle site that promotes creative living in a properly improper fashion. From recipes, to DIY home decor projects, to fashion & beauty, there's an abundance of inspiration! Her work has been featured in print and online by brands including Real Simple, Better Homes & Gardens, Country Living Magazine, Style Me Pretty, Daily Candy, Buzzfeed, Apartment Therapy, Fox News, and more. She is also the founder of the creative event series #EATDRINKCREATE, a series of workshops for anyone interested in channeling their creative side. Usually found with a Diet Coke in hand, Lexy currently lives in Arizona with her husband, Logan, and their two-year-old daughter, Vita.

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