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Sarah Cottrell
Sarah Cottrell is a Maine based freelance journalist and lifestyle writer. Her work has been featured on VICE Tonic, New York Magazine, Washington Post, and has been included in seven anthologies including the New York Times bestselling series, I Still Just Want to Pee Alone. Check out her work at and visit her on Facebook and Instagram .
No one could have prepared me for how lonely it can be to join the motherhood club. I used to…
Halloween got a major reboot in 1993 when Disney dropped the cult classic, Hocus Pocus that was set in Salem…
The only real way to end bullying is to normalize the opposite behavior. By creating a culture that is inclusive…
Every parent has a story about turning around for a minute to do something important only to find that while…
Back in the 1990s when I was a babysitter, I made $10 an hour to watch the neighbors’ kids every…
There are some parenting topics that are so taboo that they are just better left unsaid, as Jaime Pressly discovered…
There has been a growing body of research that shows that when schools push their start times to a later…
We like to think of firefighters as tough and burly men and women who heroically battle life-threatening situations in order…
Halloween is one of the most popular holidays among kids because it means getting to dress up, run around the…
No one knew it but this year’s Halloween spooky season was missing one vital ingredient: an epic rant from Candy…
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