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Sharon Feiereisen
Sharon Feiereisen is a freelance lifestyle writer and the managing editor at Momtastic. Her work has been published in Time Out, Newsday, The Knot, Teen Vogue, Business Insider, Real Simple and Hamptons Magazine among many other print and online outlets.
When you’re trying to conceive and month after month it’s not happening, it’s emotionally devastating. As someone who has dealt…
I didn’t think I would use a baby carrier. I run a ton of errands every day, so I figured…
While there are plenty of common allergens that don’t come to mind when thinking about Halloween treats – most of…
You don’t need to be a genius to realize that proper nutrition is key for brain development. It’s not always…
It’s hard to save up when you don’t have children – add kids into the mix and it can feel…
We know, we know those stuffed animals and baby blankets are adorable and look super cozy. Unfortunately, as cute as…
Few things can compare to the pressures new moms feel around breastfeeding their children – sometimes we just need to…
You don’t need to be a shopping addict to find it near impossible to do exactly what everyone tells you…
We don’t need to tell you that many mothers put an inordinate amount of pressure on themselves to breastfeed. For…
Unfortunately because my son was born using a vacuum I didn’t get to experience immediate skin-to-skin. The doctor showed him to…
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