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Newborn diarrhea is common. Find out what is normal and when to seek medical attention.
Your baby's 4 month shots are a second round of the vaccines that were given at two months. Find out…
Seeing your baby get her 2 month vaccines may be hard -- she'll probably cry -- but these immunizations will…
The Pentacel vaccine helps immunize children against five illnesses, thus reducing the number of injections kids receive. But are there…
Get the MMR vaccine schedule, as well as information about the vaccine's effectiveness and possible side effects.
Some parents are concerned about their child's webbed toes. Here, we answer questions and dispel common misconceptions.
What are the differences between birthmarks? Here's everything you need to know.
Mongolian spot birthmarks resemble bruises; however, there’s typically nothing to worry about if your baby has one. In fact, Mongolian…
Learn about the Hib vaccine and how your child can benefit from it.
Are you having difficulty with breastfeeding or getting your baby to latch on? She may have tongue tie.
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