Her remarks were so offensive that even my normally mother-protective husband winced.
Author (Page 11)
That's right: I’m saying, “Enough!” to the frickin’ party favors.
The gun is locked up, but I still worry that one of our small children might find it and get…
All of these things make me crazy, but #4 is the absolute worst.
It sucks to judge and be judged by other parents, but we all do it. I just never thought I’d…
PS. If you have any questions about whether what you're about to say is inappropriate, chances are it is.
Because here's the thing: How you allow others to treat you is a reflection of how you think of yourself.
See, when we threaten our kids with daddy, we tell them that they don’t have to listen to us.
”Oh, you’re a 16 now? Wow.” Wow indeed.
Pause for a moment and really think about your daughter. You've already lived so much of your life. Hers is…