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Babies (Page 33)
Now that Cal is 5-months-old, I've got a much better handle on what we both need!
#10. Pacifiers -- they lurk everywhere. I even found one in the dog's bed earlier this week.
I've had four kids, and they all loved these classic toys when they were babies.
#2. Baby’s first photo
Follow these steps to help ensure that the nanny you hire is the best possible person to care for your…
From traditional to high-tech, these nanny cams will help you keep an eye on your kids while they're with a…
I’m not talking about expensive, fancy items; I’ve found that the things I rely on most are simple yet endlessly…
The thought of changing my newborn's diaper in public terrified me -- until I got this amazing advice from experienced…
As a new mom, I've gained valuable perspective on what truly belongs on your baby registry.
Designing my first nursery is so much fun and extremely exciting!
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