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Babies (Page 9)
How can you tell whether your baby is a rightie or a leftie? Find out from a pediatrician and mom…
Here’s a fact you might not know: breast pumps are usually covered by insurance. “When the ACA (Affordable Care Act)…
Like most babies, my son puts everything in his mouth, so giving him toys coated with potentially noxious chemicals is…
Breastfeeding your baby can be one of the most rewarding times of your life, but it can also be one…
If your baby “accepts” a pacifier, it’s an amazing soothing tool. If your baby doesn’t, don’t give up right away;…
Choosing a pediatrician is one of the earliest major decisions you make for your baby. When my son was born…
If there’s one thing I would tell all soon-to-be parents to consider getting, it’s the Snoo bassinet. Some bassinet background… When…
Making facial expressions like smiling or sticking out your tongue are a great way to keep a baby, especially a…
Acrylic cribs have become massively popular as of late, but most of the time when I spot one – whether…
Few things can stress a new parent out as much as giving their child their first bath. When I had…
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