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Blogs (Page 27)
There’s nothing like fighting the crowds at the local pumpkin farm to put one in the mood for Halloween.
“What did you have for lunch?” I asked innocently as I drove my allegedly starving son home from daycare. “Chips…
I have a food allergy. I’m, apparently, highly allergic to shrimp.
Halloween is just around the corner and we’re in full costume mode in my house.
Sometime between that first positive pregnancy test and my son’s first birthday, I lost all sense of style. I don’t…
Over the weekend we became the proud owners of two goldfish named Goldie and Hawkeye. We might also have bought…
“I can’t be late to school, Mama,” Joseph told me as I was rushing to get out the door and…
Six years and two kids after becoming a mother and I still pull a rookie move every now and then.
I’m drowning in homework and if it doesn’t ease up soon, I’m never going to make it past the first…
While my daughter was in LA with her aunt, she decided she was going to marry Justin Bieber. While I…
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