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Blogs (Page 40)
I bought the kids Advent Calendars for the first time. Little cardboard boxes with perforated windows, they’re filled with tiny…
I remember, before I had kids of my own, when parents would proudly tell me about something “exciting” their son…
They started right after Halloween. “It’s the super duper Lego Power Ranger Elmo Star Wars action set!” “My…
With the kids home from school and “sick” – in the sense that they are too snotty to be seen…
Somewhere along the way, my little bundle of red headed sweetness was replaced by a member of the Inquisition. I…
As a working mom, I’ve struggled with the Daycare Dilemma for years. The guilt of leaving my children with someone…
It seems that having kids increases both my level of aggravation and my degree of gratitude each year. It’s worth…
When Joseph was three, he sat at the counter, a glass half full of milk in front of him. He’d…
We have had a fantastically busy week involving – well, what exactly, I’m not sure. Somehow, between the wading pool,…
Elizabeth and I have a cold. And, as most mothers will probably agree, there’s nothing more pathetic than a toddler…
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