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Blogs (Page 41)
So, I often talk about some of the (unfair, unfounded and just plain unnecessary) judgments people make about stay-at-home mothers and their…
Up until recently, I was confident in the knowledge that Joseph’s clothes would be outgrown before they were outworn.
My first boy is what you might call mellow. You might call him laid-back. You might call him, in all…
I have to admit. I never wanted to be a single mom.
My husband recently climbed Mt. Ranier in Ashford, Washington, just outside of Seattle. Considered a training ground for some of…
We’re smack dab in the middle of knock knock jokes.
Five-year old: Mommy, you know that lady you were telling Grandma about? Me: Hmmm… I’m not sure which lady you…
Hallowe’en can be a completely varied and sugar-drenched experience depending on your age and point of view…
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