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Blogs (Page 42)
Earlier this year, my co-BISS-conspirator Peryl moved. A lot. At last count, I think it was something like fourteen houses…
My four-year old is wise and philosophical, and like all four-year olds, madly curious. He misses nothing, and asks about…
My wise friend M said that being a mom means feeling guilty about everything you do. My equally wise friend…
I tried. Really, I did. I bought my daughter trucks and cars. I dressed her in jeans and tee…
I’m not a fan of articles with titles like “Everything I Need to Know I Learned in Pre-School.” Lessons like…
One of our favorite rainy day games is Hide and Seek. It teaches counting, problem solving, deduction skills and…fine. I…
Like my friend Jen, who, while we were watching our kids at soccer class and I complained that I had…
I have two tattoos in two discreet locations. Fine. I’ll admit it. One of them is a tramp stamp. Still,…
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