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Blogs (Page 47)
I’m a broken record. If I were to write down what I say every day, I wouldn’t be surprised to…
When you have kids, it’s a continual battle to try to get them to eat things that are vaguely healthy.
Yesterday we got invited to a pool party. At first I was enthused – something to entertain the kids for…
In an effort to capture my children in the moment, the utter right nowness of them, I asked them for…
I have two redheads. Part of the ginger package is skin so fair, it burns at the first hint of…
There is so much pressure for perfection in our mom-o-theistic society.
Before you have kids, it’s possible to live life quite circumspectly. If you listen to Britney Spears in your car,…
There’s a book sitting on my nightstand. There are actually four books, but this particular book, with its teal and…
Before I was a mom, I never really understood the whole mom/van phenomenon. It was beyond me why people became…
As you may remember, my preschooler is struggling to sleep. She’s willing to rest, but the scaries keep her from…
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