Among all the spats and squabbles that make the Real Housewives famous, Caroline Manzo is often the source of wisdom and reason. How does she do it? By always keeping in mind what's truly important. Here are her rules for life; with these principles you can't go wrong.
Manzo Mottos
Manzo Motto 1: Appreciate the Little Things
Sometimes we get so caught up in the big picture of what we want out of life that we don't appreciate the little things. I know it sounds corny but a crisp, beautiful day with blue skies can lighten your mood if you look at it for what it is. A really great belly laugh or a perfect grilled cheese and tomato soup when you're cold can also make you smile. Look around, little things that make you smile are scattered everywhere throughout your day—just notice them!
Manzo Motto 2: Never Give Up
If you believe in yourself and are passionate in your beliefs, don't ever let anything stop you from reaching your goal. It's not about a time frame, it's about fulfilling a dream however, wherever, whenever.
Manzo Motto 3: Don't Ever Let Anyone Tell You that You Can't
Believe in yourself; sometimes you may fall, but pick yourself up and learn from it. Falling only makes you stronger and wiser. Keep your eye on the ball and move forward.
Manzo Motto 4: Find Something to Smile about Every Day
Smiling makes your brain and spirit lighter. There's plenty to smile about—look around!
Manzo Motto 5: Always be Yourself
People are either going to like you or they're not, no matter how you represent yourself. Better to be yourself than a chameleon because the truth always comes out—always.
Manzo Motto 6: Be the Best You There Is
Give 100% in everything you do; there's so much pride in that. If your child studies all night long for a test and comes home with a C, celebrate it! Respect the fact that he or she tried their best. You can't ask for more from anyone but their best.
Manzo Motto 7: Never Kick Someone When They're Down
Life is funny, we all have our successes and failures. There's no getting away from it—you can be on top one day and down at the bottom the next. Realize that you are not perfect and you may walk in those same shoes one day. Help rather than hurt.
Manzo Motto 8: Accept Change and Ride the Wave
Sometimes things change in our life and we have no ability to control them. Go with it; bend when you have to and adjust. Change is good if you keep a positive attitude and embrace it. Adjust your way of thinking and make it work for you.
Manzo Motto 9: The Grass is Never Really Greener on the Other Side
No one really knows the reality of other peoples’ lives. Don't look and wish you could trade places; embrace the good in your life and work to improve the negative. You may not realize it but you may have the greenest grass in town growing right in your front yard.
Manzo Motto 10: Have a Sense of Humor!
Laughter is the best medicine. A good laugh can change your entire day. Make fun of yourself and don't be so serious all the time!