Skai Jackson recently welcomed her firstborn baby into the world. On January 26, the actor took to Instagram to post a heartwarming photo featuring her child for the first time. The photograph showcased the Disney star holding the adorable little hands of her newborn baby. The still indeed captured a very special moment shared by the new mom and child.
Skai Jackson shares baby name on Instagram
Actor Skai Jackson recently shared the first-ever photo of her baby on Instagram. In the caption of the post, the actor revealed what appeared to be the child’s name. The action read, “Kasai” with a teddy bear and brown heart emoji. Fans from all around the world have congratulated the new mom in the commenting section.
One fan wrote, “Congratulations beautiful.” In the meantime, another person commented, “Skai (red heart emojis) congratulations beautiful on this amazing new chapter of life!! Blessings.” Meanwhile, several notable celebrities, including popular rapper-singer Latto, actor Keke Palmer, and Ice Spice, have also sent their congratulations in the comment section of the post.
The photograph showed the new mother, Skai Jackson holding onto her baby’s cute tiny hands. The mom-child duo can also be seen rocking a matching set of green and black checkered pajamas. The little one was also wearing a pair of adorable dark green knitted socks in the still.
Previously, Skai Jackson posted a carousel of intriguing photos on Instagram featuring her stunning pregnant self. The actor captioned the post, “Nature’s garden.” In the stills, she was seen donning a comfy bright blue ensemble. It featured a vibrant blue short jacket. Underneath, she wore a top in a tone of darker blue.
The actor paired them with stylish bright blue sweatpants. A pair of classic white sneakers completed her outfit. In the Instagram post, Skai Jackson also flaunted her Hello Kitty-inspired strikingly cute manicure.