On January 27, Mindy Kaling took to Instagram to show off an accessory unique to her — a Hermès bag with her kids’ names on it. In the photo dump, she showed snippets of her “36 hours in Paris,” where she attended the Patou Menswear Fall-Winter 2025 for Paris Fashion Week. The handbag was a sweet custom-made piece from the French luxury fashion house, featuring the nicknames of her daughters and the first name of her son.
Mindy Kaling’s luxury handbag features her kids’ names
Mindy Kaling’s start of the week was eventful as she flew to Paris for 36 hours for a chic Fashion Week appearance. She recently uploaded a photo dump from her short trip, documenting some of the highlights. One of the images was a cute nod to her kiddos, as she flaunted a custom-made Hermès bag with their names on it.
The personalized handbag in black featured an alligator skin base with the words “Spencer,” “Kit,” and “Annie” on it. The mini Hermès Kelly bag made use of dazzling gems to spell out their names, with adorable charms hanging from the bottom of them. While her son’s entire first name was spelled out, she went with her daughters’ nicknames instead for them to fit comfortably in a line at the front of the handbag.
In the Instagram post, she also included photos of her exploring the streets of Paris. Kaling clicked the quintessential tourist snap with the Eiffel Tower and also checked out the Schiaparelli and Hermès stores.
Mindy Kaling is mom to 7-year-old Katherine ‘Kit’ Kaling, 4-year-old Spencer ‘Spike’ Kaling, and almost 1-year-old Anne ‘Annie’ Kaling. She welcomed Annie just last year in February. Although the actor keeps her fans updated on her little ones, she always makes sure she keeps their faces hidden in social media posts.