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Celebrities (Page 45)
Their moms are fashion icons, so it's no surprise that these celebrity kids have serious style.
I’m a mom of three kids all under the age of nine, which means that I basically never sleep, I…
For these kids, there's more to the good life than living in posh digs. There's also the bling.
Halle Berry, Gwen Stefani, and Eva Mendes are just some of the stars who are in this special club.
Spoiler alert: One of these celeb moms let her toddler watch her give birth.
Trust me, I know. I used to work for a celeb mom.
They work hard to get their beautiful bodies. Thankfully, we don't have that kind of pressure in our lives.
Get ready for some serious cuteness overload!
Happy birthday, Prince George! Plus, more amazing photos of special moments shared by Kate and her family.
Kim and Kanye's firstborn kid is more fabulous than ever -- especially as she prepares to share the spotlight with…
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