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Books (Page 4)
Reading erotica is a great way to relax, get into some foreplay, and keep things hot between the sheets!
Good news for date night: Hollywood is releasing several movies based on page turners this year.
Her wisdom, charm, and good humor make me wish she were my big sister (or at least my life coach).
You won't find 'Goodnight Moon' on my list, but you will find 'The Little Prince" and 9 other kids' books.
My twin boys are 3, and we love to read together. Here is our list of essential books.
These are the books I'd want my shelves stocked with if I were a little girl.
Books hold so much potential and inspiration -- what better gift to give?
After I finished Gone Girl, I went on a mission to find more thrillers that delivered an adrenaline rush. These…
Help kids in need get books this summer with just a click of your mouse---it's free!
Put books in the hands of kiddos in underserved areas - see how YOU can help!
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