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Celebrities (Page 61)
Congrats, Keira! Find out whether the British actress plans to be a SAHM.
Tweens are difficult to deal with, but they're amazing too.
Congrats, Sarah! Find out what the "Grey's Anatomy" star named her daughter.
Congrats to our December guest editor! Find out what she named her baby boy.
Despite months of severe morning sickness, Kate Middleton looked as stunning as ever.
I met with mothers and children there, and saw how vaccinations can give them hope for the future.
Find out whether the Gone Girl actress gave birth to a boy or a girl!
Congrats to "The Tonight Show" host and his wife! Find out what the couple named their daughter.
Are Kourtney's racy photos as scandalous as Kim's were? Weigh in by taking our poll!
Our Dec. guest editor reveals what she'd like to say to parents who don't believe in vaccines, and more.
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