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Celebrities (Page 65)
See a photo of the former "Gossip Girl" star showing off her beautiful baby bump.
The Avatar actress already has big plans for her babies. Get the scoop!
Our October guest editor reveals how she keeps her kids grounded, her favorite beauty secret, and more!
Find out whether the couple had a boy or a girl.
Congrats to Isla and Sacha! Find out how far along the Aussie actress is.
Congrats, Chelsea and Marc! Find out what the couple named their daughter.
Find out what the former "Jersey Shore" star named her new daughter.
The "Teen Mom 2" star is putting her baby at serious risk -- and even bragging about her bad habit.
Find out whether the actress and celebrity chef welcomed a baby boy or a baby girl!
My daughter is only 8-months-old, but she's taught me so much already (#4 is especially true!).
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