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Celebrities (Page 67)
The Top Chef judge (and Momtastic guest editor) chats about motherhood, cravings, cooking, and more.
In another chilling ice bucket challenge baby reveal, Chris O'Dowd and Dawn O'Porter say they are expecting.
On the Emmy's Red Carpet, singer and actress Hayden Panettiere says she's having a baby girl.
Family time: Jay-Z, Beyoncé and their adorbs Blue Ivy share an emotional moment at Sunday's MTV Video Music Awards.
Country star Jennifer Nettles' essentials list includes teething toys and baby swings -- all to help make baby's first years…
A second "Today" baby in a week: Carson Daly and Siri Pinter welcome London Rose Daly.
Baby bump alert! Star Zoe Saldana shows off pregnancy in sweet ice bucket challenge video.
As a single mother like Bacall, I couldn't help but compare our lives and wonder how difficult it must have…
Pop singer Christina Aguilera and fiance Matt Rutler had a baby girl on Saturday, Aug. 16, in Los Angeles.
Kim Kardashian West tells "Today" she would love to have four kids, but her first pregnancy was hard.
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