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Celebrities (Page 76)
Rachel Zoe, Fergie, Kim Zolciak, and more show off their adorable babes.
Check out what super model Josie Maran has to say -- and share what motherhood has taught you.
Do you agree with the reasons Jamie chose Jessica for this special spot in her son's life?
Congrats to the "Rogue" actress and her fam! Get all the details, including the baby's gender and name.
Get the scoop on A-Listers expecting babies this year.
Get all the details on the starlet's surprising announcement!
Find out why the model mom gave birth outdoors (twice!), learn what her biggest parenting challenge is, and more!
Celeb moms hit the red carpet for Hollywood's biggest party.
Get the scoop on the rocker's new bundle of joy.
See what the adorable tots of celebs like Jessica Simpson, Rachel Zoe, and Jason Biggs are up to!
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