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Check out how the "Frozen" actress celebrated Disney's big announcement.
They have a kind of magic in their relationships that we'd like to replicate in our own marriage.
From decorations to food, I'll show you how to pull off this fun movie night step-by-step.
And yes, you should see one of these movies this weekend (or, better yet, tonight after the kids are in…
Former "Blossom" star Mayim Bialik insists that it is. Plus, how not to be a terrible parent.
From kids' reenactments of TV shows to more serious issues, here's what to read in the dog days of August.
As a single mother like Bacall, I couldn't help but compare our lives and wonder how difficult it must have…
My stern dad let us have one hour of TV time; I picked "Mork and Mindy."
The parents are all a little nuts, but I could relate to some of their concerns -- and parenting issues.
The sexy movie won't be released until Valentine's Day 2015. Until then, these steamy flicks will do.
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