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Under 30 Minutes (Page 2)
Did you know you can prepare pasta and eggs in the microwave?
This is one of those sandwiches that can turn a bad day into a good one.
This is a healthy breakfast or after school snack that's reminiscent of pizza but packed with nutrition.
Have you heard of nice cream? It’s basically a soft serve made out of frozen bananas and other super healthy…
This is my go-to for when my kid is begging for pizza and I have zero energy to make one.
This guacamole alternative hits all the right notes.
Get the recipe for a hearty and quick summer meal that the whole family will love.
See how to make the perfect Asian-inspired accompaniment to your next vegetarian meal.
Bake a batch of these herb-y, crispy snack crackers for your next get-together!
This quick grab-and-go breakfast or snack packs a punch of spicy winter flavor!
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