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Beauty (Page 17)
Coffee is an anti-inflammatory and an antioxidant that does amazing things for my tired-looking skin.
Try out an easy summer beauty tip every day this week!
If you don't have the time (or patience!) to braid, this is the ultimate cheat.
Five bucks in supplies and a few hours in the refrigerator make these gift-worthy shower bombs.
You're welcome.
See, I've saved a ton of space (and tears over spilled product) with these products and tips.
Because none of us have the time or energy to cleanse, tone, and moisturize every night.
I’ve realized that if I do this easy beauty routine, I’m not horrified when I run into an ex-boyfriend or…
I fight the 3 p.m. slump with a few spritzes of this stuff (and, OK, coffee).
There are plenty of other aggravations to deal with during your period. You shouldn't have to battle your skin, too.
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