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Beauty (Page 29)
My hands take a beating in the winter. Here's how I keep 'em baby soft.
These 6 new celebrity fragrances are the creme de la creme...pick up one or more to carry you into the…
Rock this hot & spicy new color on your lips, cheeks, or lids all season long!
Hesitant to pull the trigger on pricey hair tools? Read this first.
Take your basic pony up a notch with this easy and party-appropriate style.
Save yourself the guilt and wasted effort, and scale back your new year's goals to the totally achievable.
The miracle product for dry, rough, scaly dragon feet.
New mums, reset your beauty routine by starting with these super-fast fixes.
Post-partum hair loss doesn't have to ruin your life! These 5 all natural tips will help keep your hair looking…
Get the low-down on this latest beauty trend---as well as a product for every budget!
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