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Beauty (Page 30)
Three ingenious (and safe for baby!) ways to fight the grays brought on by hormones during pregnancy.
Beauty loot on the mega-cheap...are they too good to be true?
These were my saviors. Hope they become yours, too!
Why go out of your way? Snag these babies when you're out & you've got a gift stash for this…
Snail venom, kale, and salmon egg enzyme? These strange ingredients have one thing in common...
The must-have hair color of the season!
If you can't get enough pumpkin this season, check out this list of delish smelling products that are also super…
Don't be shy! You too can rock a purple lip: just pick one of these awesome shades and get insta-glam.
Make sure you're taking care of your skin as well as your heart + body after your next workout!
Don't let dry weather get you down...perk up your skin care routine with these awesome beauty products!
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