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Children’s Health (Page 17)
Here, we reveal the most common types of coughs in babies -- and what to do about each baby cough.
Here, we tell you everything you need to know about the illness that causes a barking cough.
Does your infant have whooping cough or a cold? Learn how to recognize whooping cough sounds to know for sure.
Is that rash an allergic reaction, an infection, or a virus? Here's what you need to know about common types…
We take the mystery out of how to interpret the data on the growth chart for boys.
And, do you have it? Does your kid?
Your baby's 4 month shots are a second round of the vaccines that were given at two months. Find out…
Seeing your baby get her 2 month vaccines may be hard -- she'll probably cry -- but these immunizations will…
The Pentacel vaccine helps immunize children against five illnesses, thus reducing the number of injections kids receive. But are there…
Get the MMR vaccine schedule, as well as information about the vaccine's effectiveness and possible side effects.
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