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Children’s Health (Page 23)
Discovery Girls got it all wrong when they published “Which Swimsuit Best Suits You?” -- for their audience of 8-…
Because there's an excellent chance that your newborn will go through this, uh, not-so-cute phase.
Because you're not getting out of this hell, we asked a pediatric dentist for the lowdown.
We've found some excellent ways to help our constant worrier. I hope these tips help your anxious child too.
There's a motivation for kids that's even more effective than giving them their own personal trainer.
It's 6 a.m. and your child's eye is red and crusted shut with pus oozing out of it. Yep, she…
Life is good right now. And it terrifies me.
Dave and Collet Stephans gave their dying child maple syrup and herbs, instead of medication.
Get the warning signs to look out for the next time your child is sick.
No, they're not a magic pill. Get the real deal on what antibiotics treat, and why docs won't prescribe them…
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