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Children’s Health (Page 26)
#2. Establish a bedtime routine and stick with it.
There are so many warm-weather items in the shops geared towards babies that it can be overwhelming to figure out…
A NYC pediatrician and mom reveals how she gets her boys to go to bed -- even when it's still…
Make sure your child is getting enough of this essential nutrient.
#4. Stretch and sit. No, don't wrestle. I SAID NO WRESTLING, KIDS.
It's a nightmare that I as a mom can't possibly imagine. But, there is something that I -- and you…
My three kids fight every sunscreen application. But I refuse to give up or give in!
Are your children at greater risk for autism? Find out!
Pro-vaxxers put just as much time and love into the choices we make for our kids as you do.
Boo boos are bound to happen during my son's outdoor adventures, so I've prepared myself for every minor emergency.
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