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Children’s Health (Page 32)
Make the good stuff irresistible, so your kids will want to eat their fruits and veggies. Here's how.
Sure, spray-on sunscreen is quick and easy -- but that convenience could compromise your child's good health.
Worried about giving your kid too much medicine when fever strikes? There's an app to fix that.
Your kid loves cupcakes. You love it when she eats broccoli. Here's why compromising is smart.
But there are important differences between the kid devices and the adult versions.
Since she was featured on The Today Show last week, an additional $53K has been raised to help Eliza O'Neill,…
Hint: These compounds can be found throughout your home, in foam-filled furniture, electronics, and even soda.
Chemicals in your baby's brain may hold the answer, according to a new study. Get the details.
Revenge of the nerds! Being popular in middle school might not be so cool after all. Get the details.
Shocking news: Health officials are just now mandating this important formula testing.
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