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Children’s Health (Page 34)
Find out which breakfast cereal is the worst offender.
The event help raise awareness for Hugs for Healing, an initiative dedicated to helping sick kids.
Why has the U.S. dropped from sixth to thirty-first in just eight years? Find out.
Is your child at risk for Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes?
A government vaccination program will prevent over 700,000 deaths -- but measles remain a huge epidemic.
Find out what the birth defect is -- and why experts think it's occurring more often here.
What researchers discovered about this childhood trauma will surprise you.
Is your kid a picky eater? What scientists have discovered may help you get him to try more foods.
And, no, it's not just the children of moms that gain too much weight who are at risk.
Find out what the experts say -- the answer may surprise you!
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