Rain Collage

Summer Thunderstorms: Must Haves


Don’t let storms rain on your parade, keep dry with our warm rain picks. This weeks Must Have list will protect you while keeping you stylish and signing in the rain. 

Trench Coat

Every women needs the perfect trench coat that can take you from the wilds of a afternoon thunderstorm and blow you fashionably in doors. 

Rain Boots

Splashing through puddles requires the right shoes and in the summer who wants to wear tall boots? Hunter’s original short boots will keep your feet dry and your body temp low. 


Don’t get caught in the rain without an umbrella and with this one you can see through without getting wet. 

Rain Cloud Necklace

Chase away the bad weather with a  handmade rain cloud necklace.

Rain Hat

Keep your hair free of rain drops with a rain hat. 

Trench Coat

Rain Boots


Rain Cloud Necklace

Rain Hat


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