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Fitness (Page 3)
Oliver Rossi / Getty Images I am not one for diets and fitness crazes. First of all, food is delicious.…
After the birth of my daughter, I had an uphill battle of the bulge to get rid of my pregnancy…
Just reading this title might make want you to run into your bathroom with a package of Oreos, but please…
Yoga pants and moms have become a cliche. Something moms wear to pick up kids from school and swing…
Athleticism has never been my strong suit. I’m clumsy. Which means I’m very good at tripping over my kids’ shoes…
Max out your hotel gym's potential with these solid moves.
Trying to lose the baby weight? A personal trainer reveals how to indulge without packing on the pounds.
After my third baby, I weighed more than I ever have in my whole life. I stepped on a scale…
They work hard to get their beautiful bodies. Thankfully, we don't have that kind of pressure in our lives.
No need to run on the hamster wheel. This gear will keep you safe from the elements outdoors.
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