- Perfect backpack for the tween boy in your life: Garnet Hill Skateboard Backpack; $44.95 (free matching lunchbox if ordered before Sept. 3, 2013) at garnethill.com
- So stylish (and available in many, many colors): MadPax Spiketus Backpack; $62 at nordstrom.com
- Incoming preschoolers and kinders this one is for you: Monster Backpack; $18.87 (sale!), at gymboree.com
- Sequins are in order this school year: Junior Sequin Striped Backpack; $34.95 at gap.com
- Great for any age (also available in girl’s styles): Herschel Supply Co. for Crewcuts Settlement Backpack; $55 at jcrew.com
- This year it’s all about animal print: Be Right Backpack; $25.20 (sale!), at hannahandersson.com