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Health & Wellness (Page 104)
Check out these easy, nursing-friendly wardrobe staples that'll get you back into the swing of socializing.
We all know that #3 is so incredibly important, so why don't we just do it?
#4. Stretch and sit. No, don't wrestle. I SAID NO WRESTLING, KIDS.
Call me jealous (I am), but I'm over the pressure to look stick thin even though I just gave birth.
#4. My workouts are short and difficult.
Let your wallet do double-duty as a super cute clutch come date night.
As nutritious as it is, eating the same side of spinach day after day can get boring!
Even the most makeup-challenged mama can manage this easy makeup application.
The positive effects of green tea are pretty darn impressive.
Yes, you drink more coffee than ever now that you're a mom -- but, apparently, that's a good thing!
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