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Health & Wellness (Page 15)
No matter how many years go by since we first got our period, no one likes that times of the month.…
Cierra Johnson (28)—a St. Pete, Florida, mom—has been getting by, most of her life, with the help of sound amplifiers.…
You don’t need to be a genius to realize that proper nutrition is key for brain development. It’s not always…
You don’t need to be a shopping addict to find it near impossible to do exactly what everyone tells you…
As someone who has had irregular periods her whole life, I now know all too well how important it is…
Dear Amy Schumer: Thank you for sharing. I’ve always loved hearing what you have to say on matters big and…
With the COVID-19 still raging as schools have reopened, it is imperative that school-aged children receive a vaccine as soon…
Ann Reynoso was diagnosed with Pulmonary Fibrosis at the end of 2019, and then in June of 2020, she lost…
Not everyone can drop $400 (or more) on a powerful blender. When you’re an over-scheduled parent, however, a powerful blender…
When I met my ex husband over twenty years ago, he used to call me the woman who worked the…
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