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Health & Wellness (Page 17)
There are some old ideas that seem as though they will never fade; equating height with success is one of…
Gestational diabetes is no joke. It’s a serious condition and one that can be incredibly difficult to manage, especially when…
While many of us opt for massages when we are sore, there’s a new form of pain relief that is…
Nightfood ice cream credits itself as being the first sleep-friendly ice cream. If you’re anything like me every ice cream worth…
Aloe vera is a soothing ingredient for sunburns, bug bites and other skin inflammations not just for adults, but for…
Sportswear has gotten a stylish upgrade these last few years, and that includes plenty of options for kids. Including athleisure.…
Who knew that the way you cleaned your home, as a parent, was up for debate? I for one didn’t…
Most doctors only recommend adults take vitamins if there’s a known deficiency or if a person is on a certain…
Overalls, jumpsuits and rompers are as synonymous with pregnancy as pickles. They just go so perfectly together! Don’t make the…
Your mom will probably tell you that when you were young all she used to remove your snot with was a…
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