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Health & Wellness (Page 27)
Recently, a friend of mine who is a popular voice in the mom-hood on social media posted a meme she…
Adele is a phenomenal singer, whose talent is unmatched in modern music. But it is her weight loss that has…
Being a pediatrician and a mom of three boys, I am surrounded by germs.
#1. Hugging reduces your baby's stress hormones.
Finding effective products to soothe eczema can be an endless odyssey for many adults and kids. As any eczema sufferer…
The word epidemic can strike fear into the hearts of parents everywhere. And with so many questions around the latest…
Ah, the joys of having a teenager—where to begin? Alongside all the emotional and social changes, there are the undeniable…
These are some of the tips we use to ease into the back to school bedtime routine.
I am not a doctor or a healthcare professional. I’m just a mom of three sweet, smart, and loving little…
In the world of hair washing, shampoos often get all the attention. After all, they’re the ones that suds up…
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