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Health & Wellness (Page 70)
Lip smacking. Chewing. Chomping. Those sounds don’t just irk me, they put me over the edge.
Here's why your baby is making certain expressions or actions.
Find out when to expect newborn skin peeling as a normal result of birth and what will alleviate it.
Five bucks in supplies and a few hours in the refrigerator make these gift-worthy shower bombs.
You're welcome.
When I travel, I make sure everything I bring along serves a purpose; even my jewelry does double duty when…
Learn how to stop stop baby hiccups, as well as the causes of newborn hiccups.
Prune juice for constipation works extremely well at easing baby’s discomfort. Just like adults, babies often face abdominal discomfort…
‘Mum judgement’ is a thing. An unhelpful, distressing thing. Everyone has an opinion on how others parent and some don’t…
Here, we reveal the most common types of coughs in babies -- and what to do about each baby cough.
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