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Your Health (Page 13)
Also known as a tubal ligation, getting your tubes tied is a permanent form of birth control. But, is it…
In a society where Victoria’s Secret Angels are strutting down the runway a few weeks after giving birth, we need…
I have what some might consider a morbid curiosity about what’s going on in my body. I’d jump at the…
I’m not new to the world of antidepressants. The first sign of trouble came when I was 9. I spent…
Last time I stood in the produce aisle I realized how much my jubblies looked like something that grew in…
Because it's normal to worry about transmitting those evil germs to your baby through your breastmilk.
I firmly believe that no one on Earth needs a few healthy vices more than a mom. We spend so…
I was raised on peanut butter. So I thought my allergy diagnosis was a joke. Unfortunately it wasn't.
Because here's the thing: My old body ain't coming back. Ever. Those days are over.
My feet are killing me and I deserve to indulge a little with this relaxing ritual. And guess what? You…
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