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Your Health (Page 14)
I was adrift, and maybe I still am, a little bit. But not everything is out of my control.
#1. Green tea promotes weight loss.
I had a fever and a burning throat -- and we were stuck in a hotel, due to flood damage…
It's good for both you and your baby.
I've made it, and I'm still paying the price for it.
I waited for six years to deal with my baby weight, and I'm glad I gave myself that time.
#5. Create a quiet, sacred holiday tradition for our little fam.
See, when I was drinking and using, I didn’t care what people thought. I gave zero fu*ks. Now that I’m…
Give yourself five minutes with one of the intricately-patterned pages and you will feel the stress melt away. For real.
TTC or pregnant? You're going to want to read this article for sure.
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