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Your Health (Page 15)
My world turned upside down. I was overwhelmed by anxiety, extreme sadness, and irrational fear.
Here's the thing about all the advice to use breastfeeding as a diet plan: It's bullsh*t.
#10. “I never thought I'd consider 'didn't puke while making lunch' a major accomplishment, but here we are.” – Michelle…
In my first four months of sobriety, I packed on over 10 pounds. I needed to get ahold of myself,…
And yes, I say this even with bright blue varicose veins and dimples on my legs.
Sara Haley, a postnatal fitness expert and creator of the 4th Trimester Workout, shows me how to get rid of…
My friends were getting stuff done; happily too. So I asked them how they did it and they all had…
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