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Your Health (Page 22)
See if your city made the list, plus 5 easy rules to follow for you and your kids to beat…
Certain brands of nail polish contain toxins. Find out which ingredients to avoid, and what brands are considered "healthy."
A Nutricosmetic expert says these five superfoods will give moms -- and all family members -- a super glow.
Your day is busy -- but, you can cut stress fast by doing at least one of these quick things.
#4. He makes you sexually uncomfortable.
And now, I'm keeping plenty of it on hand for the next time a stomach bug hits.
We all know that #3 is so incredibly important, so why don't we just do it?
Call me jealous (I am), but I'm over the pressure to look stick thin even though I just gave birth.
Yes, you drink more coffee than ever now that you're a mom -- but, apparently, that's a good thing!
Instead of stressing when I can't get to the gym, I work up a sweat with these easy moves.
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