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Your Health (Page 27)
Find out what you can do to help protect yourself from this deadly disease if your monthly cycle is off-kilter.
Learn about this fascinating medical breakthrough for women born with a rare genetic disorder.
The latest reommendation for when women should start getting mammograms will cause more confusion, experts say.
I'm sick of struggling with my weight, so I've enlisted a pro to help me drop 50 pounds. Follow my…
The procedure should have prevented pregnancy; now a child’s life is ruined.
Shocker: Birthing nearly a dozen kids may give your health a boost.
How soon will this innovative new birth control come to market? Find out!
Are you putting yourself last and neglecting your own health in favor of your family's? Here's how to find balance.
Should you be taking supplements? Find out when taking supplements is appropriate.
The information surrounding supplements can be confusing. Here's the real deal.
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