
Eric Dane Gushes About Wife Rebecca Gayheart

‘Grey’s Anatomy’ star Eric Dane says that he find his wife, actress Rebecca Gayheart, more attractive since the birth of their daughter, Billie, 1.

The celebrity dad shared that becoming parents strengthened their relationship: “I don’t know if there’s any change more significant that a human being can make than that of a woman becoming a mother. There’s no change more dramatic.  You know, I’m a hundred times more attracted to her now and I love her exponentially more than I did before. It’s just great to see her be a mother.”

Eric says that their dog Nellie was changed by the addition of the baby, as well: “The second we brought Billie home she elected herself the Buckingham Palace guard. When Rebecca was feeding Billie, she would sit under Rebecca’s feet. Any time anyone got near Billie, even if it was me, the dog would just start barking.” 

Daddy is definitely wrapped around Billie’s finger:  “I like watching her laugh. Seeing this kid laugh when you put her on the swing, or slide down the slide with her, it’s just … She owns me.”



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