Adorable Booties By Coral and Tusk

Bunny Booties ($58)
Bunny dives into his hole on the right foot and pops his head out on the other side of these baby booties. Size 6-12 months. 

Click through to see more super cute booties!


Alli-gator Booties ($58)
Alli-gator stretches across the left and right foot of these baby booties. Size 6-12 months.


Good Luck Booties ($58)
Lucky charms, the grasshopper and a shiny horseshoe grace these booties. Size 6-12 months.


Coral & Tusk Booties ($58)
The lovely mascot of Coral & Tusk, the narwhal! Size 6-12 months. 

Goat Booties ($58)
Twin baby goats look lovingly at one another across the booties. Size 6-12 months. 


Party Booties ($58)
Party blowers are definitely in order for this fete! Fox and bear are ready to celebrate and blowers unfurl to show the love between these chums. Size 6-12 months. 

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