
Words to Make You Smile When You’re Knee Deep in Life

So when I came across these colorful and hilarious art prints by Nathan Ripperger, they resonated with me in such a positive way, that I just had to share them with you. Rumor has it that Nathan’s background is mostly in video, but lucky for us, he also dabbles in graphic design in between his day job, and that has resulted in these delightful prints.

In addition to his creative work, he also has a wife and 4 boys, which in combination, apparently provide a pretty solid recipe for the material that results on these fun prints. Or if you have a priceless saying of your own that you want to make into your own memory, he’ll also customize a piece for you too. Almost any of these prints would look great pretty much anywhere on a wall in your home.


Anyone who’s endured the patience testing ordeals of potty training can surely relate to this I’m not Talking to You print. I would have loved to have had this one for myself at the time when my own daughters were making the transition from diapers into “big girl panties”. Those were definitely some trying times when I could have used something to make me laugh and regain my perspective that it was highly unlikely they would end up leaving for college in diapers. And just in case you’re wondering…..they didn’t!




Has one of your kids ever licked your arm quite unexpectedly and made you wonder where the heck that came strange behavior came from? Well apparently you’re not alone, because this Don’t Lick My Arm print says it all. And even after the strange licking habit has disappeared, you’ll be forever reminded of how funny it was, with this whimsical print about childhood.




How many times have you been out running errands and you really needed to leave, but you couldn’t get your kids to Stop Riding that Penguin or whatever else they happened to be fixated on at the time, but you knew if you made them stop whatever it was that had their interest, that a meltdown would probably ensue?




And last but not least, something to make you smile when you discover there’s a strange unidentifiable sticky substance in your littlest one’s hair and you have to ask the question, Did You Put Honey on Your Brother’s Head?”





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