
Angelina Jolie Opens An All-Girls School In Afghanistan; Planning Several More!

Angelina Jolie’s post as UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador has inspired her to open an all-girls school in Afghanistan.

The actress and humanitarian quietly opened the school last year and it is already serving 200-300 girls near Kabul.  Angelina reportedly chose this area in particular because of its high number of refugees.  

Things are going so well already that Angelina is hoping to open more schools through her new foundation, The Education Partnership for Children of Conflict, which will be funded from the profits of her jewelry line. 

The mother of six shared with E! that she is now going to release her jewelry line, Style of Jolie, to retail stores, “Beyond enjoying the artistic satisfaction of designing these jewels, we are inspired by knowing our work is also serving the mutual goal of providing for children in need.”  The collection is set to go on sale this week.

Her jewelry designer Robert Procop shared their vision, “We launched this collaborative collection with the intent that 100 percent of the profits will go to charity.  The intention was to create something beautiful but more importantly to provide children an opportunity to have an education. The beauty of these creations is matched by the beauty of spirit behind Angelina’s most heartfelt mission—to empower children in crisis. The first funds from our collaboration together have been dedicated to the Education Partnership for Children of Conflict and we have recently completed a school in Afghanistan.

You can see some of the pieces on their website, but no prices are shown. I’m going to assume these are priced a little out of our league, but kudos to Angelina for always striving to bring awareness and change to the world!


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